Another week gone by! Wow - had my MIL for the week - 89 -feeble and DETERMINED not to go to a Nursing Home. Bless her sweet heart. But as a nurse - it took me all of five minutes to tell my husband that this woman cannot be left alone for any length of time. I bathed her, cleaned her up, gave her her medicine - got her ready for bed and worried the entire week. Man I really don't want to go old. Her mind is there - she gets confused at night and can't hear worth nothing but she can remember stuff I've forgotten! But probably in the next 6 months or so we are going to have to either put her in a Nursing Home or take her here. BUT once she's here she will loose her Medicaid which will mean we will have to pay out of pocket for someone to stay with her while we work. For my work this week - I did a page just because I wanted to do a page for a change and played with some Dream Street - the second page I did for the CMK Friday Formula and the last card once again - more Dream Street and just because. Thanks for coming by!
Really great layouts, I love the one at the park so pretty and soft yet playful! Beautiful!!