Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday and CSI and some Noel Mignon

 Happy Saturday - been a long and enjoyable week.  Went to the coast Tues thru Thurs - went and re-visited the USS Lexington - had forgotten about all the ladder steps to get through it but we had a great time.  It was too cold to really enjoy the outside and the beach but it was wonderful just to be there.  Got to go running two days in a row down at Key Allegra - love running there - the homes are unreal ($$$) and the beach runs along and through it with the channels - don't know why but I can go on forever down there when I run - just something about the salt air I guess.  Then came back and worked Friday which is an off day for me to work.  Off today and headed back for two tomorrow.
Today I have a page to share for the Case File from CSI.  Please come join us there - it's a great group of DT members and a great site to inspire you.

Next I am working through my latest Noel Mignon kit using this adorable little guy as my subject.  He's just so darn cute! 
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. These are beautiful!! LOVING the photos and the colors!!!!

  2. Lovely pages Debbie & what cute baby photos too!!

  3. love all the blue in these Debbie!
